3 steps :

1 - Select your demo : just you singing, or with your guitar or whatever you like  (mp3 format or equivalent ) - we need to hear your vocal skills

2 - Send a quick Bio, explaining your musical experience and what you are looking for. 

3 - Send some pictures of you with attitude !

Send all of these to : Rockourplanet@gmail.com - you can send more than one message if your files are too big but make sure to compress them and reduce the picture format

We will review all of these carefully - We will contact you if you are selected for the audition - If you don t have an answer before the end of 2017, it does not mean that you re not good enough, it just mean that we found someone who was a better fit for this project - Don't give up and resubmit for our next project - 

Rock Our world 2018 Team 

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